South St. Louis County News

St. Louis Call Newspapers

South St. Louis County News

St. Louis Call Newspapers

South St. Louis County News

St. Louis Call Newspapers

Green Park Road project ‘a boondoggle’ that will waste tax dollars

To the editor:

Atta-boy, Harvey. Harvey Meyer’s waggish criticism of the Green Park Road reconstruction project in the Nov. 11 Call was right on target. Green Park Road ain’t broke, so it don’t need fixin’.

The Green Park Road reconstruction project was predicated on fallacy from its beginning.

The alleged documentation concerning auto accidents on the road, which accompanied the grant application to get federal tax dollars for the project, was wrought with fantasy. Since the redevelopment of the road was based on it being dangerous for motorists, vehicle accidents thereon were a major factor in garnering federal money. Despite the inaccuracy of the supporting documentation, the East-West Gateway Coordinating Committee approved nearly $2 million in federal funds to rebuild the road.

If it weren’t for the fact that millions of tax dollars will have been wasted on this errant project, the situation would be laughable.

The “hired guns” who wheedled Green Park officials into doing this unnecessary project performed their “professional services” as if they were doing the Abbott and Costello skit, “Who’s On First.” Allegedly unforeseen “circumstances” arose constantly; circumstances that always led to the hiring of another “professional” or other additional expenditures for the city.

The road project is already grossly over budget. The addition of actual construction costs will, I’m certain, propel the overall cost of the project to twice the original projection of $2.4 million, possibly more.

Since the federal government’s contribution is capped by the grant, all cost overages are the responsibility of the city.

The Green Park Road reconstruction project is a boondoggle that will ultimately waste millions of tax dollars. This project warrants a thorough investigation by Missouri’s attorney general, the U.S. attorney general, or both.

Michael K. Broughton

Green Park

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