Letters Policy
The Call welcomes letters to the editor.
Typed letters of 200 words or less are given priority. Preference is given to local letters, but letters from outside the circulation area are welcome.
The Call will not publish more than one letter from the same author in any 30-day period. Letters must be marked “exclusively for the Call.” Letters must be signed and include the telephone number of the author. Telephone numbers will not be printed; authors will be called for verification.
The Call reserves the right to edit letters to conform with newspaper style, punctuation and grammar. Letters containing li-bel will be edited to delete the libel or not used. The letter’s tone or intention will not be changed. To participate, send your letters to: Editor, Call Newspapers, 9977 Lin Ferry Drive, St. Louis, Mo. 63123.
Letters to the editor also can be sent by e-mail to news@callnewspapers.com.