The Mehlville Fire Protection District’s Mobile Integrated Health (MIH) Department taught Lindbergh School District educators bleeding control techniques – such as how to pack a wound, how to apply a tourniquet and how to best apply first aid during emergencies in a school environment – through an interactive course April 26.
The course was taught by MIH Director Jenny Rieker. She was assisted by Community Paramedic Nick Marty.
“This training is so valuable because like we talked about, it is real life,” said Jessica Parker, a P.E. and health teacher at Sperreng Middle School. “We are working with humans, we’re working with different people, and injuries can happen, accidents can happen. That is real life, so knowing what to do when we are in those life-threatening and emergency situations when your adrenaline is pumping, and a lot of that instant reaction training can kind of be lost in the shuffle, we are trained to know what to do exactly on the spot when you could possibly forget.”
Read more in the May 23 expanded print edition of The Call.