The seat on the Mehlville Fire Protection District Board of Directors currently held by Director Ed Ryan is up for election. Ryan will be challenged on Election Day, held this year on April 8, by Fred Baumgarth and Steven Mossotti.
The seat carries a six-year term.
Fred Baumgarth is a retired Mehlville firefighter. He worked as a Mehlville firefighter for 33 years.

When asked why he is seeking office, Baumgarth said: “Change policies that are not healthy for the future of the fire district.”
Steven Mossotti is retired.

When asked why he is seeking office, Mossotti said: “I wish to start a new chapter in my public service life and ensure the fire district stays focused on its mission of providing emergency fire and medical service.”
Ed Ryan is a retired electrical engineer and a proud Vietnam veteran. He has served on the board since 2007. By the end of his current term, Ryan will have served on the Board of Directors for three consecutive six-year terms.

When asked why he is seeking office, Ryan said: “To ensure district wide safety through superior and reliable Emergency Services including emergency medical care, fire suppression and rescue services.”
The candidates gave the following responses to The Call’s candidate questionnaire:
Editor’s note: The following questions and answers appeared in the March 20 print edition of The Call. They may have been edited and shortened for grammar, clarity and space. Keep reading for web-exclusive responses from the candidates.
What issue do you consider the single most important issue in this race and why?
Baumgarth: “Employee retention.”
Mossotti: “Continue to provide the highest level of service by hiring and retaining skilled employees.”
Ryan: “Beyond ensuring district wide safety, enhancing technical capabilities with advanced training.”
Other issues you perceive in your race and your position on each?
Baumgarth: “Replace the 100 foot ladder that was sold.”
Mossotti: “Provide wages and benefits competitive with other fire districts in the Metro area. Return to the district’s core mission of providing emergency fire and EMS services.”
Ryan: “Fostering a culture of excellence via accountability, innovation and continuous improvement by empowering our personnel with the resources and support they need.”
Are you satisfied with the leadership of Chief Brian Hendricks?
Baumgarth: “Their board greatly restricts his ability to command a district of this size.”
Mossotti: “Chief Hendricks has done a very good job of implementing the many programs and challenges the directors have presented to him. I look forward to working with him again.”
Ryan: “Yes, I am highly satisfied with the leadership of Chief Brian Hendricks. He has done a remarkable job building and guiding a highly professional team of officers. He has worked with the Board of Directors by prioritizing innovation, fiscal responsibility and emergency services. His commitment to continuous improvement and high standards is a key factor in MFPD’s success.”
Do you support the board’s decision to join the Missouri Fire Fighters Critical Illness Pool?
Baumgarth: “Yes.”
Mossotti: “It has the potential to be a benefit to those that may suffer from service related cancer. I will hold my final opinion after I see the results of the first case Mehlville has submitted to them.”
Ryan: “Yes. This initiative was brought to the Board of Directors by Local 2665. It was carefully reviewed before the decision was made to join. Firefighters face increased risks of serious health conditions due to the nature of their work, and this program provides critical support for those diagnosed with job-related illnesses.”
How do you envision the relationship between the Board of Directors and the firefighters’ union? Do you support the current relationship between the board and the union?
Baumgarth: “There is no relationship. This board does not recognize the union as a bargaining unit.”
Mossotti: “The current relationship could use improvement. They basically just tolerate the union. I would like to see management seek input from the union on policies and procedures that directly impact the members during the development stage.”
Ryan: “Yes. I fully support the current relationship between the Board of Directors and the union. Open communication and transparency are a key to maintaining a strong and effective relationship. Negotiations between the board and the union are always conducted in open sessions.”
Would you accept campaign contributions from Local 2665 of the International Association of Fire Fighters or any other firefighters’ union, political action committee or related group?
Baumgarth: “This board has not allowed the local to endorse a candidate in 19 years.”
Mossotti: “I have not sought contributions from the firefighters local.”
Ryan: “No.”
Are you in favor of the installation of additional baby boxes?
Baumgarth: “Only if donated.”
Mossotti: “Yes. The baby boxes serve a very good purpose.”
Ryan: “Yes. I am strongly in favor of the Safe Haven Baby Boxes and fully support the installation of additional units within the MFPD. Currently, we have one baby box installed at House 2 on Telegraph Road, with another to be installed at House 5 on Mueller Road. These life-saving resources provide a safe, anonymous option for parents in crisis while insuring that the infants receive immediate medical care.”
Are you satisfied with the overall financial condition of the Mehlville Fire Protection Agency?
Baumgarth: “A 20-cent tax increase was necessary to overcome $3 million deficit spending.”
Mossotti: “I have concern over the unchecked hiring of personnel to staff a non-emergency transfer service. I do not see how it falls within the district’s mission statement or their vision statement of providing the community with the highest level of life and property protection and being focused on providing professional, progressive and efficient emergency services.”
Ryan: “Yes. For the past 20 years, MFPD has been recognized with the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. Over the past 20 years, MFPD has successfully built five firehouses and purchased ambulances and apparatus, all without relying on bond issues. I fully support the district’s commitment to a strong financial oversight.”
Keep reading for web-exclusive questions and answers from the candidates
Editor’s note: The following questions are as they were submitted to The Call by the candidates in their entirety. They have not been edited in any way, other than to ensure appropriate language and no direct attacks on opponents or other candidates.
Do you support the district’s critical care paramedics program?
Baumgarth: “Yes.”
Mossotti: “I would support any program that would deliver a higher quality of care providing adequate funding is available.”
Ryan: “Yes. This program is the backbone of MFPD’s high-quality progressive emergency medical care. Our critical care paramedics hold advanced certifications in critical care medicine and are dedicated solely to ambulance responses, ensuring the highest level of pre-hospital care for our community. Supporting this program means supporting innovation, excellence and providing life-saving care.”
Do you believe that fire districts should be consolidated? Would you support consolidating with another fire district?
Baumgarth: “No.”
Mossotti: “The consolidation of some small departments may provide some financial savings to them. I do not believe the residents of the MFPD would benefit from any consolidation at this time.”
Ryan: “Not at this time. Each fire district is uniquely structured to meet the specific needs of its community. Consolidation could compromise the level of service, operational efficiency, and financial stability that MFPD has worked hard to achieve. My priority is to maintain and enhance the exceptional services MFPD delivers to the community.”
Do you believe the Board of Directors has faithfully adhered to the letter of the Missouri Open Meetings and Records Law, also called the Sunshine Law? What would you do as a board member to ensure the board’s compliance with this law?
Baumgarth: “Doubtful.”
Mossotti: “No not really. Decisions and votes are done in closed session and results are seldom reported in an open session. The minutes on the web page have not been posted for a year and their transparency portal has been removed. I would work to provide full transparency of where and why taxpayer dollars are being spent.”
Ryan: “Yes. Board meetings are scheduled and open to the public, ensuring transparency and accountability. Transparency is essential to maintaining trust within the community. I advocate for clear communication, open dialogue and adherence to the Sunshine Law to keep MFPD’s operations accountable and accessible.”
Do you support the reforms that have been enacted by the Board of Directors since 2005? Why or why not?
Baumgarth: “These reforms have caused the highest turnover and lowest experienced workforce in Mehlville history.”
Mossotti: “In part. I believe the cuts to the sick leave policy were somewhat overdone. I would be open to discussion of the feasibility and/or affordability of possible pension plan changes.”
Ryan: “Yes. In 2004, the former union-led board raised the fire district tax. After significant concerns were raised within the community a new board was able roll back the unjustified tax hike. This tax rollback was just the beginning. The reforms reflect a commitment to fiscal responsibility, accountability and transparency.”
Do you believe the Mehlville Fire District is moving in the right direction? What changes would you suggest, if any?
Baumgarth: “No. Operate it like it says in the title – Fire Protection District.”
Mossotti: “No, not completely. I do not agree with using district resources and tax dollars to provide non-emergency home health care and non-emergency patient transfers to and from medical facilities. Being in the private ambulance business is not part of the district’s mission.”
Ryan: “Yes. MFPD continues to provide superior emergency services while maintaining the lowest tax rate in St. Louis County. In 2024, MFPD launched the pre-hospital blood transfusion program. In 2019, MFPD established the Mobile Integrated Health division to support individuals at home. Playing a critical role during the COVID pandemic.”
Do you believe the district has a problem with employee retention?
Baumgarth: “Horrendous.”
Mossotti: “Yes there has been a retention problem. In the past five years, 46 employees have resigned, 28 with two years or less. 19 resigned in the last two years alone.”
Ryan: “No. MFPD consistently receives many applications from highly qualified individuals for all divisions. A strong interest in joining our team is a testament to the district’s reputation as a leader in the fire service and emergency medical care. MFPD’s ongoing training, career development and supportive work environment helps retain dedicated employees.”
Are you satisfied with the equipment and apparatuses provided for the district employees?
Baumgarth: “No opinion.”
Mossotti: “The District has always provided very good equipment. In the future, they may need to look at ways to keep the ever increasing cost under control.”
Ryan: “Yes. MFPD is proactive in ensuring its infrastructure and equipment are always up-to-date and future-ready. The district has a well-structured plan for maintaining and replacing fire trucks, ambulances, and staff vehicles on a scheduled basis. Providing state-of-the-art equipment is critical to an individual’s ability to perform their duties safely and effectively.”
How many Board of Directors meetings have you attended in the past year? In what other ways have you been involved with the Mehlville Fire Protection District?
Baumgarth: “None. Residents are not allowed to speak without filling out a 3 x 5 card with your name and subject you wish to talk about. If they don’t like the topic, you’re not recognized.”
Mossotti: “I have regularly attended the board meetings. I have talked to employees and members of administration over the years.”
Ryan: “This year I missed three board meetings due to surgery. Over the past 18 years, I have missed only one or two meetings per year. I actively review specifications for new firetrucks, ambulances and renovation and construction work. I oversee the rain gardens at firehouses, contributing to environmental sustainability efforts within the district.”
The district has a training center. What else should the district do in advance training?
Baumgarth: “Follow current standards.”
Mossotti: “The fire training site would benefit from the construction of the planned classroom building. They should encourage employees to attend outside training classes and seminars.”
Ryan: “Training is an ongoing process for every employee, and each individual’s capabilities are periodically reviewed by their training officer. I support expanding specialized training in emerging fields such as advanced medical procedures and new firefighting systems.”
Has the district done enough to increase employee benefits?
Baumgarth: “Absolutely not. Low salary and the lowest benefit package in the region do not attract experienced people.”
Mossotti: “No. I believe there is room for improvement. When the comptroller presented the 2025 budget, he stated that there are no scheduled raises in the budget, but they have money to hire eight new employees to staff their new non-emergency transfer service.”
Ryan: “MFPD ensures that employee benefits remain competitive with neighboring fire and ambulance districts. The district evaluates and adjusts benefits to meet the needs of our employees as well as to help to attract and retain top talent. I am committed to supporting continued efforts to enhance employee benefits, as they are crucial to the well-being of our team.”
Are you satisfied with the fire district’s level of service and response times? Please elaborate.
Baumgarth: “Not fully staffing apparatus and selling the 100 ft ladder so as not to have to staff it affects service and response times.”
Mossotti: “Yes.”
Ryan: “Yes. I am extremely satisfied as MFPD consistently achieves response times well below the national average. In the past four years, MFPD received the “Distinction of Excellence” Award from the American Heart Association.”
Should the Board of Directors eliminate ambulance billing? If yes, how do you propose that revenue is replaced?
Baumgarth: “No.”
Mossotti: “No I do not, but that decision would ultimately have to be decided by the taxpayer. This would reduce the budget by millions of dollars. There would have to be a tax increase to make up for the loss or services would have to be reduced.”
Ryan: “No. The district does not bill residences for ambulance services; this ensures the community is not burdened with additional fees.”
Have you been endorsed by any groups, organizations, unions, et cetera? If so, please list.
Baumgarth: “No.”
Mossotti: “No not at this time. I would be open to support from any group or person as long as is clearly understood there would be no quid pro quo for their support.”
Ryan: “No. I am focused on engaging with the community and working with all stakeholders to ensure that MFPD continues to provide exceptional services.”