Letters to the Editor
To the editor:
I am responding to The Call’s Oct. 24 letter by Mr. Joe Spezia Sr., “Join the ‘smart and rich’ and vote against every type of tax increase.”
I am in complete agreement with Mr. Spezia, but would like to change the battle cry to “Vote no and close your wallet.”
I would like to illustrate Mr. Spezia’s comments by referring to Proposition “P” for Police, which was a half-cent sales tax overwhelmingly passed by the county for which we will be paying for the next decades. People were concerned for their safety, and the politicians used the opportunity to put forward Proposition “P.”
I have a personal reason to support our police/fire communities, but why was there not a sunset date for this type of tax, to include audit and accountability of these funds? Thereby, the government must go back to the public and earn their trust for the tax to be renewed.
Proposition “P” has been in effect approximately two years. Do you feel more safe in your neighborhoods and in adjoining communities?
I say if the crime statistics in five years don’t reflect a great reduction to the 2017 statistics, then the sales-tax rate shall be rescinded for all portions going to “public safety” other than fire departments.
I believe fire departments are in good standing with the public, so we need not penalize them. Crime is our concern.
In the interim, show our politicians that we will “Vote no and close our wallets.”
Frank Longo