To the editor:
Character counts. When we elect a person to a public office, we place our trust in him. That trust is only warranted when he has integrity. That’s why Matt Chellis is the man to reeelect as Tesson Ferry Township Republican Committeeman.
Matt has integrity, maturity and a strong sense of responsibility. In addition to being committeeman for Tesson Ferry Township, he is vice-chairman of the St. Louis County Republican Central Committee and the Missouri state party GOP committeeman for the 24th Senatorial District. A founding member of the Tesson Ferry Township Republican Club, he has held numerous offices in this organization, has helped organize events and was selected as the club’s Republican of the Year in 2018.
Matt’s common sense coupled with his easy-going personality encourage people to work together well. His analytical skills make him a valued advisor when decisions are made. These are just of the few reasons why he is endorsed by Zina Hackworth, president of the Tesson Ferry Club as well as Kurt Witzel, committeeman and Celeste Witzel, committeewoman for Oakville Township. I encourage everyone to vote for Matt in the Republican primary.
Christine Hessel
Editor’s note: Christine Hessel, a Republican, is the Tesson Ferry Township Committeewoman. Laura B. Metz is the Democrat committeewoman.
Correction: The editor’s note that ran in July 25 print edition with this letter incorrectly stated that there is an election in November for township committeemen and committeewoman. There are only primaries for committee persons.