The game show “You Bet Your Life” will have some St. Louis representation Friday morning as Mehlville High School graduate Alex Braun is set to compete at 1 a.m. on KTVI.
The show focuses on two contestants who have only met each other just before taping, and their interactions with co-hosts Jay Leno and Kevin Eubanks. Contestants answer quiz questions together and can win thousands in prizes.
Braun, a self-proclaimed “game show geek,” is a game show veteran, having competed on “Wheel of Fortune” in 2006 and walking home with $6,000 in winnings.
“I’m just a competitive person, so the minute I turned 18 I was hellbent on getting on Wheel of Fortune,” Braun said. “Pretty much any of the wordplay game shows are my wheelhouse.”
Braun heard the producers of You Bet Your Life were looking for “normal people with an interesting story,” so despite his preference for wordplay games he applied to compete. When Braun found out he had been selected, he was elated.
“I had been after my second game show for the past five years. I have tried out for $100,000 Pyramid at least three times, I’ve tried out for Match Game twice, I’ve tried out for Card Sharks three times, I’ve been to nine Price is Right tapings,” Braun said.
Currently, Braun is under a non-disclosure agreement until the episode airs, but check back to for the final results.