The Sunset Hills Historical Society hosts award-winning PBS film producer, author and local sports enthusiast Ed Wheatley on Monday.
The program, which is free and open to the public, will begin at 7 p.m., Aug. 19 at the Sunset Hills Community Center, 3939 S. Lindbergh Blvd.
Wheatley will discuss local lore about Sunset Hills and St. Louis and sports history from baseball, bowling, football, tennis, golf and chess. Wheatley will focus on little-known sports trivia in the area.
Wheatley’s books include “The St. Louis Browns – The Story of a Beloved Team;” “Baseball in St. Louis – Little Leagues to Major Leagues;” “St. Louis Sports Memories—Forgotten Teams and Moments from America’s Best Sports Town;” “The St. Louis Cardinals, Everything You Need to Know;” and “Wrestling at the Chase.”
He has also produced three PBS films: two about baseball and “Wrestling at the Chase.” He has also been a weekly sports contributor on a St. Louis drive-time radio program.
Wheatley is the president of the St. Louis Browns Historical Society and Fan Club, the vice president of the Board of the Bob Broeg Chapter of the Society for American Baseball Research and holds a leadership role at the St. Louis Sports Hall of Fame.