To the Editor:
I am writing to urge South County taxpayers to vote for John Judd for Tesson Ferry Township Republican Committeeman. Please know that John is an honest, hard-working professional who will always dedicate himself to helping conservatives get elected. He is a close friend of mine and I am honored to be supporting him.
John served as Tesson Ferry committeeman for 12 years and also as Missouri state party GOP committeeman for six years. He served as President of the Tesson Ferry Township Republican Organization for three years and also as Vice-President for 3 years. He was the 2017 Tesson Ferry Township Republican of the Year. He served as a George W. Bush Presidential Elector in 2000.
John is the hardest-working, grassroots champion for our conservative values. His passion is working hard for our candidates and has been doing so for 44 years. These are some of the reasons he is endorsed by former state Rep. David Gregory, as well as Russ and Marjorie Dahmer, committee people for Gravois Township, and Chris Struckhoff, committeewoman for Concord Township. I respectfully ask everyone to vote for John Judd in the Republican primary on Aug. 6.
Jim Smoot