Students from Sappington Elementary in the Lindbergh School District offer these New Year’s resolutions:
Lucy P. — My New Year’s resolution is not to have an attitude.
Autumn H. — My New Year’s resolution is to memorize all my lyrics for my songs.
Margaret T. — My New Year’s resolution is to be more organized with my desk and room because my room and desk is very messy.
Greta S. — My New Year’s resolution is to be more organized and have a less cluttered room.
Landon H. — My New Year’s resolution is friendship.
Darby L. —My New Year’s resolution is to be more flexible.
Lennon M. — My New Year’s resolution is to be more organized.
Amar Z. — My New Year’s resolution is to be more patient.
Shane S. — My New Year’s resolution is to wake up earlier.
Erin D. — My New Year’s resolution is to be focused.
Rachel J. — My New year’s resolution is to be more passionate.
Jack B. — My New Year’s resolution is to get my dream gaming setup built, get more home runs in baseball, focus way more on school and make my clothing brand skyrocket.
Jase A. — My New Year’s resolution is to get better with my dogs/teach them tricks.
Madelyn L. — My New Year’s resolution is to be nicer to my sister.
Georgia K. — My New Year’s resolution is to stay focused.
Lucas H. — My New Year’s resolution is to teach my dog new tricks.
Nathan P. — My New Year’s resolution is that I do more than I say I can.
Maxwell H. — My New Year’s resolution is to be organized because my room is messy. Also I want to get better at basketball.
Amelia — My New Year’s resolution is to try to make my cookie company business with my friend Emily successful. We’re gonna try to get back on our feet after Girl Scouts. We sell lots of treats and it’s so fun to spend time with my friend.
Charlie — My New Year’s resolution is to see my friends more.
Yahya — My New Year’s resolution is to not drink soda. I’m not gonna only drink soda, I’m gonna probably drink lemonade, apple juice, orange juice and more juices.
Lexi — My New Year’s resolution is to get better at long division.
Lincoln —My New Year’s resolution is to get better at Pokémon.
Lill —My New Year’s resolution is to stop buying stuff I don’t need.
Naya — My New Year’s resolution is to get better at math, reading hard words and trying to answer more questions than my old self. I basically plan on doing better at school.
Yana — My New Year’s resolution is to use control in dance class and to get EE (exceeding expectations).
Robbie — My New Year’s resolution is to try new things.
Audrey — My New Year’s resolution is to spend more time outside and less time on devices.
Leo — My New Year’s resolution is to eat better.
Prenisha — My New Year’s resolution is to be productive.
Truman — My New Year’s resolution is to eat my breakfast faster.
Jordan — My New Year’s resolution is to be more social to my friends and family.
Joslyn — My New Year’s resolution is to help the planet the best I can, and throw away litter outside.
Florian — My New Year’s resolution is to be a better soccer player.
Ben —My New Year’s resolution is to have an okay YouTube channel.
AJ — My New Year’s resolution is to beat my Spiderman game on my PS5.
Victoria — My New Year’s resolution is to be the most helpful in my class, and to have a good fifth-grade teacher and to be a good 11-year-old student.
Jack —My New Year’s resolution is to start Jackworks™ candle company.
Mila — My New Year’s goal is to be more positive.
Luke — My New Year’s goal is to make my family proud.
Sunni — My New Year’s goal is to finish four Mark Twain novels.
Kaleesi — My New Year’s goal is to get better at gorilla tag.
Luke — My New Year’s goal is to be more helpful.
Ishak — My New Year’s goal is to help my parents, and be with my young brother more.
Jayden — My New Year’s Goal is to be kinder and forgiving.
Ben — My New Year’s goal is to be able to juggle a soccer ball 20 times.
Alex K. — My New Year’s Goal is to get rated 1100 ELO or higher in chess.
Charlotte K. — My New Year’s Goal is to be more positive.
Crosby M. — My New Year’s Goal is to play with my younger sister more.
James — My New Year’s goal is to be more organized.
Vincent N. — My New Year’s Goal is to try cool new activities.
Anna — My New Year’s Goal is to make more friends.
Maddie — My New Year’s Goal is to finish 10 warrior cat books.
Keagan — My New Year’s Goal is to practice hockey more.
Autumn — My New Year’s Goal is to be more confident.
Madelyn — My New Year’s Goal is to wake up earlier on school days.
Liam — My New Year’s Goal is to stay more focus.
Charlie — My New Year’s Goal is to train for a triathlon.
Jamari — My New Year’s Goal is to be kind to my Mom.
Harper — My goal is to have more focus on work and to try not to zone out as much.
Molly — I want to get good grades and to zip my mouth.
Isabella — I want to place at dance nationals and to place in my acro solo.
Graham — My goal is to read more than one scripture in the Book of Mormon.
Mia — My goal is to stop goofing off in school.
Sydney — My goal is to get better at waking up in the morning.
Denis — To zip my mouth and pay attention.
Addie — To work hard & to never give up & read more at home.
Emily — My goal is to not talk as much and to do all my extra math.
Artemis — My New Year’s resolution is I’m going to spend more time with family and friends by asking to play, and taking time out of my day to spend time with my family.
Comar — In 2024, I want to try to get 10,000 subscribers on YouTube. In 2024, I also want to get better at math and stuff.
Teddy — My New Year’s resolution is to help people that are getting bullied.
Luke — My new year resolution is to clean my room also to be a nice brother.
DJ — My New Year’s resolution is to do a random act of kindness every single day.
Liesl — My New Year’s resolution is to try harder to fix problems and commit to what I’m doing.
Rhys — My New Year’s resolution is to give compliments to one person a day.
Brooklyn — My New Year’ Resolution is to clean the dishes to help my parents out.
Maribel — My New Year’s resolution is, not to fight with my brother, to get better at violin, compliment some one every day and to get better at soccer.
Cece —My New year resolutions are to be more positive and to get more foot skills for soccer. Also to clean my room better and to be more helpful.
Nate —My New Year’s Resolution is to help anyone whenever I can!
Imran — My New Year’s Resolution is to do one act of kindness everyday!
Wesley — My New Year Resolution is to try a new food and to be nicer to people.
Students from Concord Elementary in the Lindbergh School District offer these New Year’s resolutions:
Bradley — My New Year’s resolution is start a print farm to make money.
Holden N. — My New Year’s resolution is to make new friends in middle school, and learn new hobbies and activities in middle school.
Tatum W. — My New Year’s resolution is to hang out with more of my friends.
Ashton W. — My New Year’s resolution is to find books that I would enjoy reading.
Calvin F. — To read five books this summer.
Daniel S. — It’s to make more and more friends this year.
Leah J. — One of my New Year’s resolutions is that I would like to focus on the teacher better.
Kobe — My New Year’s resolution is to read 50 books in one year. Fantasy, nonfiction, drama, historical fiction.
Alice — My New Year’s resolution is write more scary stories. Also make new friends.
Trevor — My New Year’s resolution is to Get my Bloxels game called 90’s in The Sky popular.
Drew B. — I would like to be a leader to little kids. I also would like to help people when they’re down.
Josephine M. — My New Year’s resolution is to read 5 books in all different genres.
Neil G. — Make new friends and read 10 chapter books
Dani G. — My resolution for 2024 is reading 50 books this year so I can understand the book, bring the book to life in my head. I also want to achieve writing beautiful essays that can inspire readers in my own words, and write books that can tell a real life experience in their head.
Mick — Hangout with my friends.
Ava — My New Year’s resolution is to read more books and start reading more fiction books!
Saathvi T. — My New Year’s resolution is to make people happy by doing nice things for them. I want to make people like my friends, family and my teachers happy by doing nice things or the right things.
Seneca V. —My resolutions for 2024 is to be helpful, to make sure I have a good first middle school year and to read at least 15 books this school year.
Claire J. — My New Year’s resolution is to meet new people because some kids I don’t know very well and in middle school they might be the only ones in my class.
Sydney R. — My New Year’s resolution is to learn new ways to do math by studying at home and learning different ways from others, and learning strategies that I don’t even know about.
Averi B. — My New Year’s resolution is to read 15 chapter books. I will do it reading at home for 30 minutes and finish multiple chapters so I can read books on a higher level.
Lucas — My New Year’s resolution is to eat healthy and do better in school.
Vera — To keep our classroom and cubby’s clean.
Millie — My New Year’s resolution is to be responsible and clean up.
Marina — To be calm in every way.
Ludo — Learn more math.
Jackson — Paintball.
Henry — My New Year’s resolution is to be more productive and help others, even if they are just strangers. I would still like to make their day better.
Lana —Mine is to start reading more before bed!
Josey — To read more chapter books, at home and at school.
Matt — To lose weight and do good in school.
Sammy — To be the most organized I can be.
John — My New Year’s resolution is to have fun at my new home in Columbia, Missouri.
Charlotte —My New Year’s resolution is to dream big, and overall be a better friend to all people, including people that aren’t my favorite.
Alyssa — Inspire people.
Maya — My New Year’s resolution is to pray to God and Jesus Christ, and be a better person.
Michael — Have a lot more subs on youtube.
Izzy — My resolution for this year is to be able to work on my a canter in my horseback riding lessons as a pace, not just a practice.
Rayhan — To be better in education and sports.
Mary — To be more organized.
Maddy — My New Year’s resolution would be to learn and develop in subjects I struggle in.
Isaiah — My New Year’s resolution is replace the nets on the basketball court.
Olivia — My new year resolution for 2024 for school is to be more organized and clean.
Addie — To believe in myself and have confidence.
Elyse — My resolution for 2024 is to get better math skills.
Leah — To be brave and eat healthy.
Danielle — Practice more of my softball and volleyball skills. Plus, I would love to learn a new cool skill in school.
Hattie — To just have a normal year of playing the guitar and try to do the best I possibly can.
Miley — My new year resolution for 2024 referring to school is to be more organized and focus when I’m doing test and to just be positive of my self.
Lila — To be better in math.
Max — My New Year’s resolution is being more helpful around the house I live in because I’m getting older, and when you get older, you tend to be more lazy and “cool.” So I think I should be more helpful.
Cadence — To read more.
Alex — My New Year’s resolution is to be more organized and get better at volleyball.
Zuzu — My resolution for 2024 is to write a book. I want to write a book because all of the short stories or essays that I had to write was because I was at school and had to.
Nate — My goal for this year is to get smarter and learn harder stuff. And i would hopefully go off to middle school and to be a good student.
Elliot — My goal for this year is to read longer at night because it will help me in all the things we do in school.
Catherine — My New Year’s resolution is to be more flexible to other people’s decisions or ideas.
Debbie — My resolution is to have more trust. I chose this because I am sometimes impatient and not trusting the process all the time, but this year I try to trust the process of things more often.
Mason — I am going to try things I never tried before.
Cameron — In 2024 I would like to be more happy and be smarter.
Lily — My New years resolution for 2024 is to be kind and considerate in my actions.
Adaline — My New Year’s resolution is to give and have peace and prosperity wherever I go.
Ben — In 2024 I want to have lots of fun with my friend on games like Fortnite because it is very important to have a good relationship with friends.
Owen — In 2024 I want to have fun with family and friends. This is important because it makes my relationship with them stronger.