St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Melissa Price Smith reached a settlement agreement with St. Louis County Councilman Dennis Hancock, R-Fenton, on Jan. 24 in the nepotism case filed by her predecessor Wesley Bell in December.
“St. Louis County prosecutors must follow rules of evidence when prosecuting cases. St. Louis County’s investigation into Mr. Hancock likely violated those rules. Specifically, the use of the St. Louis County Counselor’s Office, which acts as attorney to the council, to record one of its clients is extremely problematic,” the St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office stated in a press release. “There are also significant evidentiary, legal and ethical issues regarding the St. Louis County counselor, who has represented Mr. Hancock in the past, collecting evidence and then serving as star witness for the state. Furthermore, while the state continues to dispute Mr. Hancock’s defenses, there are significant legal questions created by the St. Louis County counselor that could delay or even allow Mr. Hancock to win at trial. Additionally, Mr. Hancock is not a threat to public safety.”
If the case – Hancock hiring his stepdaughter as his legislative assistant then attempting to cover it up – was not resolved with a settlement agreement, it could have continued for up to a year or more and cost taxpayers up to $100,000, according to the staff of the St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office.
As part of the agreement, Hancock has agreed to not hire or assist in the hiring of any family members. He will also pay for his legal fees.
“The St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has over 10,000 pending criminal cases, including 250 pending homicides,” Price Smith stated. “This is a civil matter. My top priority is public safety, fighting violent crime and advocating for victims. I will not allow my office to be used to settle political scores.”
Read more about Hancock’s nepotism allegations here.