South St. Louis County News

St. Louis Call Newspapers

South St. Louis County News

St. Louis Call Newspapers

South St. Louis County News

St. Louis Call Newspapers

Sprayers make quite an impression on the average do-it-yourself painter

Now you can paint your own house and get a top-quality paint job.
Now you can paint your own house and get a top-quality paint job.

Brushes and rollers are the traditional tools used for exterior painting, but getting a great-looking paint job may be simpler than you think.

Today’s technology has made paint sprayers affordable, yet they offer the same technologies that professionals use for fast, easy application with great results.

Making a small, one-time investment in a sprayer can take the drudgery out of painting projects year after year.

For first-time or seasoned sprayers, here are some tips that will help you get the best result on your spray job.

• Ask your paint dealer to help you estimate how much paint you will need for the house.

• Remove flaking paint with a wire brush, scraper or pressure washer.

• Make sure your siding is free of dust, grease and mildew.

• Mask off your windows with tape and newspaper to help keep paint off the glass.

• Throw a paint cloth or some old sheets over your bushes and flowers to protect them.

• Prime the overhangs and fascia boards first and apply the trim color after you have painted the main color.

• Avoid painting in full sun. This will let the paint dry at a normal speed, improving its ability to adhere to the house.

• Start painting from the top down.

Sprayers cut the process of painting down to three concise steps.

Simply prep, spray and clean up. There’s no more time-consuming edging and touch-ups.

New airless paint sprayers are available at your local hardware store that specifically are designed and priced for homeowner use.

They can be used to spray most architectural coatings and paints — even latex.

At least one new sprayer features a reversible spray tip for a superior finish and for clearing clogs fast, a 25-foot hose and an integrated spray tip holder for tips of various sizes.

In addition, the sprayer’s lightweight design provides easy movement around the job site and simple cleanup.

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