South St. Louis County News

St. Louis Call Newspapers

South St. Louis County News

St. Louis Call Newspapers

South St. Louis County News

St. Louis Call Newspapers

Rotary Club of St. Louis County installs officers

The Rotary Club of St. Louis County recently installed a new Board of Directors to lead the club during the next 12 months and reflected on its accomplishments during the past year.

Members of the 2005-2006 Board of Directors are: Bill Shore, veterinarian, president; Karl Frank Jr., technology consultant and member of the Mehlville Board of Education, president-elect and club ad-ministrator; Jim Mohrman, paint and wallpaper sales, secretary; Brian Kohlberg, financial adviser, treasurer; the Rev. Ann Rathert, minister, sergeant-at-arms; Russ Rothwell, insurance agent, membership chairman; Jim Gleason, signs, service projects chairman and assistant district governor; Saba Khalil, dentist, foundation chairman; Ray Herbst, retired, and Dave Thompson, glass tinting, public relations chairmen.

During the July 9 installation dinner, four club members’ wives and fiancés were recognized as Paul Harris Fellows. Named after the late founder of Rotary Inter-national, the Paul Harris Award recognizes club members whose service to the club has exemplified the ideals of Rotary.

This year’s recipients are: Lori Gleason, Diane Arl, Nancy Wambach and Ruth Herbst. In honor of each, $1,000 has been donated by their partners to the Rotary International Foundation to promote Rotary charitable projects around the world. Stacey Self, governor-elect of Rotary District 6060, presented the Paul Harris awards to the recipients.

Among the many awards the Rotary Club presented was the Rotarian of the Year, which was received by Frank. Four members who spearheaded the statewide Ro-tary shoe drive called Shoes for Orphaned Souls also were recognized: Dee Floyd, Tim Wambach, Jim Gleason and Thomp-son.

Rotary celebrated its 100th anniversary this year and the local club performed many projects in honor of this event, in-cluding:

• Donating to the Salvation Army Carondelet Corps.

• With the cooperation of funds received from District 6060, purchasing four computer systems for the SCOPE “second-chance” education program.

• Providing more than 3,000 shoes to Missouri’s drive for Shoes for Orphaned Souls.

Shore concluded the installation dinner by expressing his pleasure with the accomplishments of the club for the previous year and stating his excitement about what is to be accomplished in the 2005-2006 Rotary year.