Peter Repp, a Lindbergh High School jun-ior, has been selected to perform as a member of the Colts Drum and Bugle Corps of Dubuque, Iowa.
About 350 young musicians auditioned for the 150 positions.
Repp is the son of Ken and Debbie Repp of Sunset Hills. At Lindbergh High, he is a member of the Spirit of St. Louis March Band, Symphonic Band, Jazz Ensemble and Drumline.
As a member of the Colts group, Repp will play in the percussion section.
Members of the Colts are selected through a competitive audition process.
Repp was one of more than 60 snare drummers auditioning for three snare-line positions. This will be his first year with the Colts.
The Colts membership experience is an intensive, challenging and high achievement environment where life and leadership skills are taught.
Repp began traveling and performing with the Colts Memorial Day weekend and will continue through the second weekend of August.
The group lives on the road, sleeping in gymnasiums and eating meals prepared in a semi that has been converted into a kitchen truck. The Colts will tour more than 65 days and perform more than 40 times for an estimated 200,000 people.
The Colts have ranked in the top 25 of all drum corps for the past 28 years, including top-12 international finalist status for eight of the past 16 years. The Drum Corps International Finals will take place from Aug. 6 to Aug. 8 in Indianapolis.