To the editor:
After reading and hearing opinions re the proposed roundabout at Yaeger/Milburn intersection, and living near the intersection for almost 40 years, I would like to suggest my opinion for a very good solution: put in a stoplight.
The four-way stop signs serve a purpose, but drivers being impatient and not waiting for their ‘turn’ causes problems with the flow and leads to accidents.
Numerous times I have seen two cars begin to cross the intersection from different directions – they both stop, wondering whose ‘turn’ it really is until one driver usually waves the other driver to proceed. I have done this numerous times.
We are discussing two-lane roads. I don’t believe we need a roundabout, we need a stoplight.
Since the two schools are close by, there has always been and will continue to be a backup a couple of times a day due to the buses and parents picking up their kids, but I know we can all handle the ebb and flow.
Susan Kirby