Missourians can now proudly display their love for St. Louis and the Gateway Arch with the newly redesigned specialty Arch license plate, which supports programs at Gateway Arch National Park. Designed by St. Louis graphic designer Carlos Zamora in conjunction with nonprofit Jefferson National Parks Association (JNPA), the new license plate features the city’s iconic monument and a nod to the Arch’s new circular west entrance, as well as the new park name, Gateway Arch National Park.

By ordering a license plate from the non-profit Jefferson National Parks Association, your tax-deductible contribution will support enriching educational programs for all ages at Gateway Arch National Park. JNPA also creates additional support by operating The Arch Store, located in the visitors’ center beneath the Gateway Arch.
“We are excited to unveil the new design for the specialty Arch license plate,” said David Grove, president and CEO of JNPA, in a news release. “It not only features our iconic monument, but its graceful lines are a nod to the Arch’s new circular west entrance. Plus, the license plate bears the new park name, Gateway Arch National Park. As the State of Missouri continues transitioning to its bicentennial license plate, we thought this was the perfect time to refresh our specialty license plate to a more modern design.”
To order your Arch license plate, follow the step-by-step instructions at archplates.jnpa.com, which include submitting your tax-deductible donation to
JNPA as well as completing the state’s application for personalized plates. You can customize your own plate message, so use your creativity. JNPA suggests using fun messages like “LUVSTL” or “LOUFUN.”
You may order Gateway Arch license plates at any time, regardless of your current license plate expiration date.