Forder Elementary School students tell Santa what they want for Christmas.
From Savannah: I want Legos and a smart watch. Also I want clothes. Clothes! I know you wouldn’t expect a kid to want clothes but I do! I hope this is not too much to ask for. I’ve been helping my mom so much this year because my mom started a new job. Thank you.
From Ella: Dear Santa, I don’t want much this year. I would like art stuff and things I can craft things with. And I have been good this year. I got no behavior notes and good grades. I know it’s not a lot but I can’t think of anything else.
From Jada: For Christmas I want an owl stuffed animal, an owl blanket and a robot dog. I think that I have been a good girl, at least I was better than my brother. Have a good Christmas, Santa.
From Liliana: I know it’s a little early, but when I get older I want a scholarship for college. I would like some shoes and shirts and pants. I hope you have a fun and safe Christmas.
From A’Maris: I want a German shepherd because I want it to play with me. And I want a playground in my backyard. I want people to have a home and the Earth to be happy. I wish all of the people get rich.
From Kyla: Can you give the homeless food and water, please. How many elves do you have? Did you know my name is Kyla? I am so thankful for God. He gives us food and water. I have been good this year. P.S. I got all 3’s in school.
From Natalie: I hope I’m on the nice list this year. Have a Merry Christmas this year as well. Also, for Christmas, I would like a Lego Friends set, please and thank you! And a iPhone X Plus. I’ve been on my best behavior! I don’t know about my two brothers, but I hope they are on the nice list, too!
From Giani: Please change the world to make people happy. And give the homeless people food, water, houses and roofs over their heads. Let people be nice to us and in Africa too. Let Africa have water by them and food.
From Ella: For Christmas, I’d like you to change the world and give them more food. I’d like a pet bunny. I’d like you to give people more fresh water.
From Yodzil: I hope I am on the good list. For Christmas I want a hoverboard. Also slime, love, a teddy bear and a smartphone.
From Alea: I want a gallon of slime for Christmas. You are the best Santa. I want a teddy bear. Can it be a grizzly? I need another gallon of slime because me and my sister are twins.
From Rijad: I hope I have been a good boy. If I been a good boy, I would like a Nintendo Switch game like Pokemon, Let’s Go Pikachu and a Lego Ninjago set.
From Olivia: I’m pretty sure I’ve been good this year, but you decide. I want a pretty good amount of presents, and I think you would agree that these presents are good. I want an Apple watch, a fluffy pillow, a baby doll, baking supplies, gift cards, squishies, a new coat and for my family to have the best Christmas like always.
From Jayden: I do not want much for Christmas. I have been very good this year. I would really like a camera. I know it’s a lot to work on till Christmas, but I will leave you milk and cookies. By the way, me, my sister and two cousins will be there, too.
From Kora: Can I have an American Girl doll and an Ice Cream Track to go with it and clothes. And for my American Girl doll, a closet. An American Boy Doll and accessories and an American Girl hotel. And my two front teeth. And ice skates. I love you Santa.
From Jailynn: For Christmas I want a unicorn couch and a kitty watch, a unicorn poster and ChapStick with flavor. An iPhone X, a camera and unicorn PJs and a fake puppy dog. Thank you Santa, and I will leave you cookies and milk.
From Luna: I want Hatchimals. I want Baby Alive. I want Little Pet Shop. I want L.O.L. dolls. I want Num Noms. I want a real puppy. I want clothes. I want shoes. I want JoJo bows.
From Vinny: I want a pair of skis. And a tablet. And a Potty Boy Baby Alive. And Hot Wheels tracks and Hot Wheels car. And a Captain Underpants book. And a Hatchimals. And a floor puzzle. And a camera. And a bag of Legos. And a Lego Minecraft set. And washable markers.
From Genevieve: I want a huge L.O.L. doll. I also want a Potty Baby Alive. And I also want a big Hatchimals. And one tablet and two JoJo bows. I also wish you a merry Christmas.
From Uriel: I want a PS4 and Nerf gun and a sled.
From Ledian: I want a PS4 for Christmas and a puppy, and I want some Legos and a phone.
From Muutaba: I want a iPhone X and mountain bike.
From Jackson: I have been really good this year! This Christmas I would like to get Cozmo. I also have a question. Will you put the gifts for me under the tree in my room? Also, is it your real helpers that kids get to sit by at Six Flags? Leave the answer in place of the cookies. What do the cats do when they see you?
From Hunter: Thank you so much. If I am on the nice list I want a PS4. I have been on my best behavior this year. I also want an iPhone 7 and a black phone case and a red and green Fitbit strap.