The Mehlville School District has selected five staff members and five community members to serve as the Implementation Team for the St. John’s Choice School of Innovation.
Dozens of people applied to be a part of the team, which will spend the next 18 months researching and exploring the positive impact Personalized and Problem-Based Learning has on student success, according to a district news release.
Forder Elementary Principal Scott Clark has been picked to lead the new school, which will be in the St. John’s School that currently houses the SCOPE alternative learning programs.
Implementation Team members are:
Erin Nichols — librarian at Forder and Rogers elementary.
Chad Dickemper — Oakville Elementary principal.
Lisa Meyers Rogers Elementary kindergarten teacher.
Sarah Bradley Wohlwend Elementary fourth-grader teacher.
Amanda Wyatt Forder Elementary fourth-grader teacher.
Mike Sita — Oakville Elementary.
Kara Hanak — Rogers Elementary.
Jason Rooks — Mehlville High and Forder Elementary.
Laura Roeseler — Forder Elementary.
Arijana Baskot — Trautwein Elementary
The new elementary school is part of Superintendent Chris Gaines’ plan to increase student engagement and performance in all of the district’s elementary, middle and high schools.
The Implementation Team will provide continuous updates on its progress toward the goal of opening the new innovative school in the fall of 2017.
Because there was so much interest in the Implementation Team, the District will be forming an Advisory Team that will provide occasional assistance and feedback for this important project, the release stated.