South St. Louis County News

St. Louis Call Newspapers

South St. Louis County News

St. Louis Call Newspapers

South St. Louis County News

St. Louis Call Newspapers

Lawmaker wants to excuse schools from making up recent snow days

In the aftermath of last week’s extreme weather, many Missouri schools have missed more days than usual, and they will have to find a way to make them up.

But State Rep. Joe Aull, D-Marshall, says he will propose a bill later this week that will help schools struggling to meet the state requirement of a 174 day school year.

He says the bill would excuse schools from having to make up days missed during the week of Jan. 31 due to the fact that governor Nixon had declared a statewide emergency during that week.

Missouri law requires schools to make up the first six days they miss and then one for every two days they miss after that. Schools are not required to accommodate more than 10 extra days.

Aull says school districts are torn between the desire to keep students in school and the need to limit the number of school days they add to their calenders.

“I think excusing schools from days they missed during that week of extremely bad emergency type weather, I think that would be a good compromise,” Aull said.

He said extending school into the month of June hurts summer programs and is inconvenient for students, parents and staff.

“By excusing those days, that’s going to give schools a little bit of relief, yet most schools are still going to have to go back and make up some days,” Aull said.

– Missouri Digital News