The Kiwanis Club of South County recently installed officers for 2012-2013. Pictured, from left, are: past Missouri-Arkansas District Gov. Barbara Thompson, Secretary Rick Kircher, President-elect Louann Elledge, President Lee Bodendieck, Vice President Ed Kurmann, Treasurer Vern Langenfeld, and Division 9 Lt. Gov. Don Leupold.
Kiwanis Club installs officers
October 9, 2012
Kiwanis Club installs officers
December 1, 2010
Newly installed officers of the Kiwanis Club of South County are shown with Missouri-Arkansas District Gov. Barbara Thompson and Division 9 Lt. Gov. Kathy Smith. Pictured, from left, are: President Steve Dodson, Secretary Rick Kircher, Thompson, Smith, Treasurer Vern Langenfeld and Vice President Mary Howard.
Kiwanis Club installs officers
December 31, 1969
Missouri-Arkansas District Division 8 Lt. Gov. Greg Treaster recently in-stalled officers and board members of the Kiwanis Club of South County for 2004-2005. Pictured, from left, are: Secretary Rick Kircher, President-elect Patrick Wallace, President Sherry Stevenson, Vice President Ed Kurmann, Treasurer Sue Franey and Treaster.