To the editor:
Is Whitecliff Park becoming an adult daycare center?
I attended Crestwood’s Proposition A information town hall on Jan. 18. Our public officials happily shared many details beyond the newsletter information. Citizens voted on desired park features. Specific adult items on one poster board were: new paved walking loop trail ($500,000 in park master plan budget), Lodgepole neighborhood footbridge ($300,000), pickleball courts ($120,000), yard game and “concession” area, etc. The other board only contained three very general voting squares for kids’ items.
Near the session’s end, there were dozens of votes on the adult board, but only six dots on the kids’ board. Someone needs to think about the kids more.
The city is asking to spend a lot of money to construct a new recreation center in the middle of an open play field and build a paved walking trail across and through forest playland.
By turning the natural woods into a more urban park, it will be harder to tell our kids and grandkids to “go outside and just play” because we have removed more of their dwindling play space.
Updates are needed, but this proposition is too much.
Jim Book