What do you get when you mix one cup of water to two cups of dirt?
Mud, of course.
What do you get when you mix thousands of gallons of water with tons of dirt?
Mighty Mud Mania, of course.
The ultimate in good, clean, dirty fun, the 19th Annual Mighty Mud Mania Fes-tival, is set from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, July 26 in Jefferson Barracks Park.
“Mud Mania is definitely one of our most unusual activities,” St. Louis County Parks and Recreation Department Director Genie Zakrzewski stated in a news re-lease, “and definitely one of our most fun, whether you participate or just watch.
“Thousands of children have gone through the muddy obstacle course in the last 18 years, and now those children are grown and bringing their own kids to squirm through the tangle of mucky fun,” she added.
The Mighty Mud Mania Festival not only includes the obstacle course, but also 10 other fun “clean” things for children of all ages, including inflatable rides, treasure sand pits and face-painting. Children are required to shower off before going to other attractions — they can be wet, but not muddy.
The cost is $6 per child in advance or $7 at the gate and includes all activities; adults are free. Refreshments, T-shirts and disposable cameras will be for sale during the festival.
Mighty Mud Mania is accessible for children of all abilities. If special accommodations are required, the Festival staff at the registration table needs to be advised upon arrival of the child. Advance reservations are recommended, as walk-in registration is limited to space availability. A parent or guardian must be present for each child to sign the consent form.
For reservations, call 638-2100 or download an on-line registration form at stlouisco.com/parks.
The festival is conducted regardless of the weather. In case of lightning, the festival is closed until the threat has passed.
Besides the county Department of Parks and Recreation, the annual event is sponsored by Oakville TREND and the Mis-souri Army National Guard.