To the editor:
There is proposal to add a tattoo parlor to an old existing strip center directly across Tesson Ferry from the Tesson Ridge Development (now under construction).
The tattoo parlor has been proposed to help spur business development in St. Louis County District 6. When Tesson Ridge is complete, there will be several commercial businesses fronting Tesson Ferry. Permits for the Tesson Ridge Development specify the types of commercial businesses allowable, such as financial or medical. A tattoo parlor is not allowed. This is appropriate for the south Tesson Ferry neighborhood with its hundreds of single-family homes, three schools and four churches. If a tattoo parlor is not permitted on one side of Tesson Ferry, it does not make sense to have one directly across the road.
If there is a need for a tattoo parlor in District 6, there’s plenty of other sites in this large, mostly unincorporated district, such as a more fully developed commercial area like South Lindbergh. Yes, there’s a need for more business development in District 6, including the south Tesson Ferry corridor, but let’s make that compat-ible with our current neighborhood.
If you agree with me, tell District 6 Councilman Mike Archer at your opposition to the tattoo parlor.
Bill Kramper
St. Louis County