To the editor:
I wonder whether opponents of the Yaeger-Milburn roundabout project are aware of the late 2021 report from the World Economic Forum that states, “The average roundabout has only eight points of potential collision compared with 32 at a normal four-way intersection, (USDOT) … It also says they are safer for pedestrians because drivers have to slow down to use them.”
Wisconsin, which has the most roundabouts of any U.S. state, says fatalities and serious injuries go down to almost zero in roundabouts. Each roundabout also saves about $5,000 yearly on the state’s electricity bills. They are energy efficient for drivers, as well. France, Spain, the United Kingdom and Ireland have five to 10 times the number of roundabouts per million residents than the U.S. What do they know that Oakville’s roundabout opponents who call the change dangerous do not? That the average driver is smart enough to welcome and learn this simple and proven navigational enhancement in order to prevent crashes and save lives.
Are we in Oakville way below average? No matter your answer on that, numerous studies confirm we have nothing to fear and everything to gain.
Mary Lou Frank
Editor’s note: The St. Louis County Department of Transportation canceled the roundabout project May 22.