Justin Wenk, a recent graduate of Lindbergh High School, has been selected as the 2008 Missouri Sons of the American Revolution Eagle Scout.
Wenk accepted the award at the SAR State Convention in Independence. He received a bronze eagle, the SAR scholarship patch, the SAR scholarship medallion and a $500 scholarship.
Wenk is a member of the Alexander McNair Chapter of the Children of the American Revolution, the Spirit of St. Louis Chapter-SAR, and Boy Scout Troop 581 chartered by the Crestwood Elementary School PTO.
He has been active in school organizations, including the Gentleman’s Society, the junior-varsity golf team, the 2007 Robotics Team, the Spirit of St. Louis Marching Band, the National Honor Society, the Tri-M Music Honor Society, the Mu Alpha Theta Math Club, the Pep Band and the Young Republicans.
Wenk also has assisted with 17 Eagle projects in the community.
He plans to attend the University of Missouri-Columbia.