St. Louis County residents whose homes have been flooded by the recent round of Mississippi River flooding, especially in Lemay, will get an opportunity to learn about their options and resources at a town hall sponsored by County Council Presiding Officer Ernie Trakas, their 6th District county legislator.
Trakas is holding a town hall especially dedicated to the flooding victims in Lemay and other areas in the county. It will take place at 3 p.m. Thursday, June 27, at the Lemay VFW, 215 Military Road.
The council’s acting chairman said that representatives from the county Department of Transportation, Public Works and Office of Emergency Management will be at the town hall to talk to residents about the services available to them to deal with flooding, plus “plans with respect to moving from flood control and immediate issues to relief matters.”
The officials will also talk about the possibility of federal buyouts, which is a long process and not guaranteed to any homeowner.
“It’s important that people have access to their government, especially in situations like these, whether it’s the assessments or the flooding,” Trakas said of a series of town halls he’s hosting this week.
He will host another town hall on property assessments at 9 a.m. Saturday, June 29, at the Affton Community Center, with 5th District Councilwoman Lisa Clancy.