To the editor:
For quite a while now, I’ve encountered people who confide in me the craziest notions. They read on the internet about John F. Kennedy Jr. being alive, President Joe Biden died years ago and the former president is allowing Biden to run the country until it’s a complete mess. What? Believe me, there are so many more incredulous ideas out there that it’s actually frightening to comprehend.
When I try to discuss these ideas by countering the narrative, I’m met with a wall of resistance that states I’m not privy to this secret knowledge and may be evil for not agreeing with them about these conspiracies.
If you’re getting your information from an anonymous source, it may be very challenging to know what’s true or what’s false. Please use caution and common sense to research a bit more in order to make an informed decision, even if it’s not what you want to hear. To blindly believe with no facts or evidence is a recipe for disaster that may one day erode our constitutional democracy.
I would like to quote George Orwell, a visionary from the past: “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.”
Kae Luppens