To the editor:
$40 million dollars is being poured into our state mostly from Washington, DC to change the Missouri Constitution through a grass roots initiative called “The Right to Reproductive Freedom.”
In my opinion, outsiders should get out of Missouri’s business. Let Missouri voters decide if a constitutional amendment is necessary to protect so called “reproductive rights”.
I agree with Robert A. Barry’s letter in the April 25 edition of The Call, “Missouri Legislature should continue to restrict citizen initiatives.”
Outsiders with money are attempting to influence how we vote in Missouri. Reproductive freedoms such as birth control pills, miscarriage care, giving birth to a child, post-postpartum care, are already protected in Missouri. The Right to Reproductive Freedom initiative is a pep-rally for abortion. Missourians are not so easily fooled! We’re not as backward as outsiders might think. Decline to sign that initiative and protect the Missouri Constitution from outside influences.
Virginia Schweigert