These Point Elementary School students recently were named Terrific Kids of the Month by the Kiwanis Club of South County and the Dairy Queen on South Lindbergh Boulevard. They were honored for their hard work and great improvement in effort, reading skills or work habits this year. Pictured, front row, from left are: Brayden Duy, fifth grade; Mariam Al-Kenani, fifth grade; Payton Easter, fourth grade; Phoebe Reel, third grade; and Ena Vranjkovina, second grade. Back row, from left are: Point Elementary Principal Shannon Pike, Kiwanis Club members Pauline Roth, Roy Wunsc and Carla Rowell, Point Elementary second-grade teacher Laura Alles and Point third-grade teacher Lauren Anderson.
Point Terrific Kids of the Month honored
April 11, 2017
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