The Lindbergh baseball Flyers, above, celebrate their district championship last week. They are a close-knit team that came together and made it to their goal, Coach Darin Scott said. Photo by Jessica Belle Kramer.
By Jessica Belle Kramer
For the Call
The Lindbergh Flyers baseball team defeated Rockwood Summit 4-0 to take the district championship last week.
After three innings with no runs, senior Brendan Meissner scored the first run at the bottom of the fourth inning. In the fifth inning, senior Sam Kuehnle and freshman Aaron Moss raised the score to 3-0.
And in the sixth, senior Riley Summerville ran home, ending the game with a score of 4-0.
Head Coach Darin Scott credited the team’s victory to their work ethic and sportsmanship.
“This is probably one of the closest-knit groups that we’ve ever had, and they really came together over the course of the season,” Scott said. “They had a common goal: They wanted to win a district championship, and they came together and did it…
“The toughest part in the journey to state is to get out of your district, and everything is one game at a time from there.”