I read with great interest and front-page positioning about Erica Hoffman challenging Rep. David Gregory again in the Missouri House 96th District.
Rep. Gregory has been a very active participant in Jefferson City, to the point his law practice has suffered.
She makes several claims about public schools. Citizens should have a choice, regardless of where they live — i.e. charter schools.
She talks about her concern for flooding. Rep. Gregory put together a citizens’ committee called the St. Louis Flood Committee. I chaired that group.
We had the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers talk to us, mayors of communities and affected homeowners. We put together an app that showed live updates of the flooding as well as contact points for help and volunteer information.
I personally presented and offered this to each paper to publish, including The Call and TV stations, to provide it to the general community free of charge.
Not one news source would publish the link to the app or even wanted to see it.
Point being, Rep. Gregory has been a very active and concerned representative and makes himself available routinely to his constituents.
George Theodorakos
Sunset Hills
Editor’s note: The Call featured Rep. Gregory’s Flood Committee and the Missouri Flood Navigator app on its front page in November 2018.