To the editor:
The City of Green Park is bordered by two major thoroughfares; Tesson Ferry Road and Lindbergh Boulevard. As a resident homeowner and elected official in the city, I am always pleased with improvements in the area, both residential and commercial. So, I would like to commend the staff of 6th District Councilman Ernie Trakas’ office for their interest, concern and stellar work related to the clean-up of two derelict properties contiguous to Green Park.
Months ago, I contacted Councilman Trakas’ office concerning a dilapidated house in the 11100 block of Tesson Ferry Road. It had been in disrepair for years, a large, blue tarp covered extensive damage to the roof. Months ago, the tarp was blown-off, exposing the interior to Mother Nature.
Lori Trakas responded to my email inquiry. Lori and I exchanged emails for several weeks while she worked through the county bureaucracy. Lori never failed to answer my subsequent emails and kept me posted on various issues as they occurred. Her efforts resulted in the property being cleaned-up and renovated. It sold quickly and is now a residential gem on Tesson Ferry.
Recently, I again contacted Councilman Trakas’ office regarding the derelict commercial property on the southwest corner of Tesson Ferry and Lindbergh Boulevard. The 2-acre plot hosts ramshackle greenhouses and residential buildings, which are obviously in decline. Lori again worked on my request, most recently informing me that demolition on the site would progress when the electric, gas and water services were shutoff; that permits for doing so had been issued by the county.
Many thanks to Councilman Trakas, Lori and staff. They are helping to make South County a more attractive place to live and work.
Michael Broughton
Green Park
Editor’s note: Michael Broughton is the current Ward 1 alderman for Green Park. He is seeking reelection to the seat in April, and is being challenged by Joshua Lang.