The city of Crestwood is considering a logo redesign and is seeking the community’s input on what logo to choose before May 8. Take the survey here.
The idea to adopt a new city logo began a few months back while staff was working to expand the city’s communication efforts. Knowing that the current logo has been in place since the 1990s, the city hopes for a fresh new look to coincide with the revived city newsletter.
The Board of Aldermen has narrowed the choices down to two designs.
Option A is the work of graphic designer Danny Elchert, who helped “revive the city’s communication efforts,” according to a news release. Elchert worked with city staff to create a new look as part of an overall rebranding effort. That logo and newsletter design cost a flat $1,000.

Option B was submitted by graphic designer and Crestwood resident Paula Kapfer.
After learning that the city was exploring new logos, she asked for an opportunity to design a logo for inclusion in the selection process. Kapfer’s design represents Crestwood’s history, present and future.
Residents can also choose the current city logo.
To vote and see the logo options, visit www.surveymonkey.com/r/3PFH3CY.
You can also find a link to the survey on www.cityofcrestwood.org.