Editor’s note: With students in and out of in-person schooling this school year due to the pandemic, there are fewer activities students are able to participate in at school that we can share with the community. So this holiday season we are revisiting past stories. This is from December 2012.
Select students at Mesnier Primary School in Affton are recognized each month for best exemplifying the school’s character traits. These students are named members of the People of Dignity, or POD, Squad and attend a special celebration with Mesnier Principal Christine Powers, where they are treated to pizza and
certificates of recognition.
The character trait for December was Responsibility, and the following students were named to the POD Squad:
Kindergarten: Chase Arnold, Mary Cooper, Mason Earll, Evan Eberhardt, Adair Hicks, Madelyn Howard, Elliott Irwin, Medina Menkovic, Lavia Mohammed Raoof, Riley Mosman, Adeja Mujanovic, Isabelle Murray, J Antonio Muyco, Jaden Paquette, Hanna Patterson, Aidan Snethen, Corey Street and Kristina Tran
First grade: Lejla Ahmetovic, Liseli Akafekwa, Evelena Aliyeva, Ariam Allali, Jaafar Al-Shahrably, Zoey Bell, Holly Belt, Cesar Cervantes, Dylan Collins, Derek Dankenbring, Joshua Hallquist, Michaella Johnson, Sofia Ponciroli, Taylin Sanders, Carly Vinson, Lucas Walden and Michael Wolf
Second grade: Collin Armbruster, Amber Binger, Erin Chen, Matthew Cook, Alyssa Coplin, Abrar Gayar, Michael Graham, Brendan Griffin, Amy Hoxha, Asia Jackson, Adna Muminovic, Adam Puzniak, Edvin Rabihic, Jimmy Sandoval, Gabriella Swisher, Emily True and Joseph Wimer