By Mike Anthony
A revised rezoning proposal by McManus Construction Co. to move from Affton to the former Tee Time Family Fun Center on Lemay Ferry Road was considered last week by the county Planning Commission, which recommended the County Council approve the request.
Rob McManus’ request to move his business from 4100 Seibert Avenue to 4631 Lemay Ferry Road has traveled a long and winding road since it was first considered by the Planning Commission late last year.
It’s no secret that 6th District County Councilman Ernie Trakas, R-Oakville, has been opposed to McManus’ move, citing various reasons since he was the sole resident to raise his hand in opposition to the proposed rezoning at a Planning Commission public hearing in February.
Some residents have criticized Trakas’ handling of McManus’ rezoning application, but he told the Call that he has treated the proposal the same as any other application that has been submitted during his tenure as councilman.
In fact, we believe Trakas should be applauded for his due diligence, as McManus filed the revised request with the county, citing “an unintended oversight” for not disclosing salt, salt brine and calcium chloride would be stored at the site, plus plans to use an existing 500-gallon fuel tank there.
The councilman contended that any previous recommendation for approval by the Planning Commission was “suspect” because commission members did not have all the information regarding proposed uses for the site.
The Planning Commission considered the amended request July 10, and recommended approval, finding McManus’ proposed use for the site “is consistent with the surrounding area, does not negatively affect traffic flow and will be required to protect the environment from any saltwater runoff. Conditions have been included that note the storage of deicing materials and the allowed use of the existing fuel tank …”
Regarding traffic, the Planning Commission’s recommendation states that the Missouri Department of Transportation “reiterates that it has no concerns regarding the impact of this use on Lemay Ferry Road …”
Given that the Planning Commission now has fully considered all of the proposed uses for the site and once again recommended approval, we believe that all of Trakas’ concerns have been addressed and he has no choice but to support McManus Construction Co.’s move to the former Tee Time site.
A revised rezoning proposal by McManus Construction Co. to move from Affton to the former Tee Time Family Fun Center on Lemay Ferry Road was considered last week by the county Planning Commission, which recommended the County Council approve the request.
Rob McManus’ request to move his business from 4100 Seibert Avenue to 4631 Lemay Ferry Road has traveled a long and winding road since it was first considered by the Planning Commission late last year.
It’s no secret that 6th District County Councilman Ernie Trakas, R-Oakville, has been opposed to McManus’ move, citing various reasons since he was the sole resident to raise his hand in opposition to the proposed rezoning at a Planning Commission public hearing in February.
Some residents have criticized Trakas’ handling of McManus’ rezoning application, but he told the Call that he has treated the proposal the same as any other application that has been submitted during his tenure as councilman.
In fact, we believe Trakas should be applauded for his due diligence, as McManus filed the revised request with the county, citing “an unintended oversight” for not disclosing salt, salt brine and calcium chloride would be stored at the site, plus plans to use an existing 500-gallon fuel tank there.
The councilman contended that any previous recommendation for approval by the Planning Commission was “suspect” because commission members did not have all the information regarding proposed uses for the site.
The Planning Commission considered the amended request July 10, and recommended approval, finding McManus’ proposed use for the site “is consistent with the surrounding area, does not negatively affect traffic flow and will be required to protect the environment from any saltwater runoff. Conditions have been included that note the storage of deicing materials and the allowed use of the existing fuel tank …”
Regarding traffic, the Planning Commission’s recommendation states that the Missouri Department of Transportation “reiterates that it has no concerns regarding the impact of this use on Lemay Ferry Road …”
Given that the Planning Commission now has fully considered all of the proposed uses for the site and once again recommended approval, we believe that all of Trakas’ concerns have been addressed and he has no choice but to support McManus Construction Co.’s move to the former Tee Time site.