The historic Session or Kassebaum building, as seen on Google Maps, would be demolished under a proposal for a new QuikTrip at Lemay Ferry and Butler Hill roads.
An open house and informational meeting will take place at 6 p.m. tonight, Monday, March 15, about a proposed QuikTrip Convenience Store in South County.
The QuikTrip is proposed at the intersection of Lemay Ferry and Butler Hill Road, 5040 Lemay Ferry Road, currently the site of the historic Session building, also previously known as the Kassebaum building.
The open house is scheduled for Monday from 6 to 8 pm. in the JCPenney Home Store in Marshalls Plaza, 6933 Lindbergh Blvd. A presentation about the store will begin at 6:30 pm.
Face coverings will be required and social distancing practices will be in place.
Those with questions can email gkeen@quiktrip.com or call 636-627-0003.
A virtual meeting over the same proposal is slated to be held by Zoom at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 18, which can be joined by calling 312-626-6799, Meeting ID 941 878 2401 and Passcode 63303.
This is the second proposed QuikTrip in South County. Last week, the St. Louis County Planning Commission voted unanimously 7-0 last week to recommend approval of a new QuikTrip gas station at the corner of Lemay Ferry and South Lindbergh Boulevard, across from South County Center mall, at the site of an existing auto repair shop. The large redevelopment will also take out the existing St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store and The Watering Bowl, a daycare for dogs located behind the auto repair shop.
If approved by the County Council, the Lemay/Lindbergh QuikTrip would replace the existing QuikTrip at 3475 Lemay Ferry Road.
The company previously built a new QuikTrip along Bayless to replace an existing store.